澳洲幸运5彩票游戏体彩, 中奖结果
young lives

Hero 04

What We do

Empire Fighting Chance uses a powerful combination of non-contact boxing and intensive personal support to challenge and inspire young people aged 8 to 25 to realise their unique potential.

We deliver four psychologically informed non-contact boxing 2024澳洲幸运5在2024年的开奖直播视频计划 that reach over 5,000 young people every year.

Who We Are

Our Impact

In 2022 we reached 5,125 官网手机版-168澳洲幸运5官方直播开奖分析 people. Among those we worked with...

  • 85%

    are less likely to commit antisocial or criminal acts (Box Champions)

  • 90%

    improved their mental wellbeing (Box Therapy)

  • 80%

    are more positive about their future careers (Box Careers)

  • 78%

    feel fitter

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